International Guest Lecture – Peneleh Research Institute

PADI Nusantara: Urgensi Metodologi Nusantara

Pada hari Kamis tanggal 16 Mei 2024, telah dilaksanakan kegiatan PADI NUSANTARA bekerja sama dengan Universiti Sains Malaysia, Perkumpulan Ahli Epigrafi Indonesia (PAEI) Komda Jawa Timur, dan SMA Islam Bani Hasyim Singosari. Acara bertajuk “Urgensi Metodologi Nusantara” menghadirkan Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aji Dedi Mulawarman, Prof. …

International Guest Lecture & Designing Research and Community Service

Sunday, January 7th, 2023, PRI has held an International Guest Lecture & Designing Research and Community Service with the theme “The Hidden Agenda: Reframing Public Hatred”. The speakers of this activity were Peneleh International Ambassador to the Netherlands, Akke Mathilde de Jong, QLc, as the …

INTERNASIONAL GUEST LECTURE:Learning from the Economy of Greece: A Fall of Capitalism?

On Saturday, May 6th 2023, Peneleh Research Institute in collaboration Accounting Department and Master of Accounting Program Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Development Economics Department Universitas Negeri Malang, and Development Economics Program Universitas Trunojoyo held “International Guest Lecture” with the theme “Learning from The Economy of Greece: …

International Guest Lecture, 14 August 2022

On Sunday, 14 August 2022, Peneleh Research Institute, International Journal of Religious and Cultural Studies (SINTA 4), in collaboration SMA Islam Bani Hasyim, Circles Indonesia, and World Youth Association held “International Guest Lecture” with the theme “Research and Action in Religious and Spiritual Dimensions”. This …

International Guest Lecture: Prof. Jerold Zimmerman

This coming July 25, 2022, Peneleh Research Institute, working together with Universitas Brawijaya (host) and cohost: Universitas Hasanuddin (Makassar), Universitas Tadulako (Palu), Universitas Sriwijaya (Palembang), Universitas Trunojoyo (Madura), Universitas Mataram (NTB), Universitas Pakuan (Bogor), Universitas Kristen Indonesia Paulus (Makassar), Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (Yogyakarta), Universitas Muslim …

REMBUG NASIONAL (15-16 Oktober 2021)

Rembug Nasional Peneleh Research InstituteOnline 15-16 Oktober 2021 Peneleh Research Institute mengundang Bapak/Ibu dari jalur Relawan Riset manapun untuk mengikuti Rembug Nasional Peneleh Research Institute Apa keuntungan mengikuti Rembug Nasional ini?🌹Menjalin jejaring silaturahim dengan sesama Aktivis Peneleh jalur Relawan Riset🌹Menjadi bagian dari Payung Riset Nasional …