International Community Service Mentoring Session – Peneleh Research Institute

International Community Service Mentoring Session

On Saturday, August 26th 2023, Peneleh Research Institute in collaboration Bani Hasyim Islamic High School, World Youth Association, Peneleh Publisher, Development Economics Department and Accounting Department Universtias Trunojoyo, STIE Mahardika, STIE Panca Setia Banjarmasin, Universitas Wijaya Kusuma, Accounting Department and Management Department Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang.

This event was attended by over 100 participants, both via zoom and live-streamed in the Youtube, from 7 countries: Indonesia; Malaysia; India; Nepal; Saudi Arabia; China; Egypt, Netherlands. The participants presented 27 service proposals from various fields and were mentored directly by 26 mentors.
As opening speech, Dr. Novrida Q Lutfillah, the director of PRI welcome the participants and introduced the aim of this event. PRI’s implementation of International Service aims to encourage academics not only to focus on education on campus, but also to prioritize community service in the wider environment. On this occasion, Dr. Novrida explained to the participants that as part of academics and practitioners, of course there is potential contribution that we can make to society. Through community service, solutions can be provided directly to the problems faced by a community. In this way, academics and practitioners have the opportunity to share their thoughts to provide direct benefits to society. Apart from that, the results of community service activities can also be integrated into efforts to improve the curriculum.

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