International Guest Lecture Series 3 (6-7 March 2021) – Peneleh Research Institute

International Guest Lecture Series 3 (6-7 March 2021)

We have witnessed issues being raised on “Gender Equality”, “Feminism”, or “Women empowerment”. These are indications that inequality or injustice exists between the two genders in various forms of life: education, politics, economics, and even sex. Some issues raised are discussed in terms of religious beliefs, and religions are blamed for these phenomena.

Are genders issues caused by religions or their intended interpretations? Check out our discussion from women’s perspective, which will be sparked by Dr. Ari Kamayanti (Indonesia) , Dr. Pallavi Pathak (India), and Akke Drajer De-Jong QLCs on 6th March 2021. Ari will give her views from Islamic perspective, Pallavi from Hindu perspective, while Akke will provide Roman Catholic Christian perspective on the issues.

Men’s perspective on the same issues will be sparked by Dr. Mohd. Shukri Hanapi (Malaysia) and Syukri Rahmat S.Ag (Indonesia) on 7th March 2021.

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