INTERNASIONAL GUEST LECTURE:Learning from the Economy of Greece: A Fall of Capitalism? – Peneleh Research Institute

INTERNASIONAL GUEST LECTURE:Learning from the Economy of Greece: A Fall of Capitalism?

On Saturday, May 6th 2023, Peneleh Research Institute in collaboration Accounting Department and Master of Accounting Program Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Development Economics Department Universitas Negeri Malang, and Development Economics Program Universitas Trunojoyo held “International Guest Lecture” with the theme “Learning from The Economy of Greece: A Fall for Capitalism”.

This event was attended by over 100 participants, both via zoom and live-streamed in the Youtube. As opening speech, Dr. Novrida Q Lutfillah, the director of PRI welcome the participants and introduce that PRI provides a platform for researchers to improve their research skills in various PRI programs. One of biggest programs is IGL which has been implemented since April 2020.
International Guest Lecture was given by two speakers. First, Prof. Evangelos Afendras, International Peneleh Ambassador for Greece, with the theme “Economic of Greece: A Train Wreck (an Autoethnography Note)”. Second, Dr. Anita Kristina, Expert Council Peneleh Research Institute with theme “Why Capitalism does not Solve Problems: a Case of Greece” This session was lead by Ima Kristansi, M.Sc as moderator.

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