Mentor’s testimonies, Best International Community Service Program Presentation, and soft Launching of ICS e Book – Peneleh Research Institute

Mentor’s testimonies, Best International Community Service Program Presentation, and soft Launching of ICS e Book

International Community Service held on December 23, 2023 by Peneleh Research Institute with the agenda of Mentor’s testimonies, Best International Community Service Program Presentation, and soft Launching of ICS e Book. This activity was opened by the Director of PRI, Dr. Novrida Qudsi Lutfillah. In her opening, she expressed her appreciation to all international service actors who have given maximum dedication and efforts to carry out community service projects and mentors who have provided support in assisting and reviewing the results of community service reports. This event is a series of previous activities, on August 26, 2023, namely the presentation of proposals for various international community service projects and activities and the review of proposals by mentors from within and outside the country. Furthermore, at this moment the ICS evaluation results were announced by Chairman of the Foundation, Assoc. Prof. Ari Kamayanti.

At this moment, the two best international service projects were selected. First, Permai Penang: Mengulik Perjuangan para pahlawan Devisa negara di negeri Jiran bagian utara by Khozaeni Rahmad; Agung Prianti; Nensy Setyaningrum; Tiara Salsabila; Puan Nazira; Achdiar Redy Setiawan. Second, Perkembangan Strategi Pemasaran Digital dan Strategi Keuangan pada Sentra UMKM di Desa Giri Kecamatan Kebomas Gresik by Kristianingsih, Andrianto Trimarjono; Gimanto Gunawan; Lestari; Lilik Mardiana; Wiwin Wahyuni. In addition, four best mentors were also selected, namely Assoc Prof. Dr. Anita Kristina, SE, MSi, Firda Nosita, S.E., M.Sc, Evi Thelia Sari, S.E., M.A. and Akke M. M. De-Jong, QLc. The results of the service report will be published as an e-book entitled: “Serving the Society and Environment: Stories about International community Service Collaboration” published by Peneleh Publishers.

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