Peneleh Research Institute –

About Peneleh Research Institute

Peneleh Research Institute (PRI) is a research organization under Yayasan Peneleh Jang Oetama. PRI was established in 2015, and since then has contributed immensely to the empowerment of society. PRI believes that true zelfbestuur can only be achieved if every stakeholder realizes that he/she is a driver for hijrah. (change). Please browse through our website to check out our programs.

Starting 2023, Peneleh Research Institute as an international scale research institution has a new director. We welcome Dr. Novrida Qudsi Lutfillah and we thank Dr. Ayudia Sokarina (2021-2022) and Dr. Ari Kamayanti (2015-2020) as our previous directors for their contributions to Peneleh Research Institute.

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Research should be purposed to empower society. Research should aim to reveal injustice, provides solution, and speak up for those silenced by marginalization.

Join us and be the change!

Our Programs

We believe that literacy is important
Working side by side with Penerbit Peneleh, International Journal of Religious and Cultural Studies (indexed in several services: PKP Index, Google Scholar, BASE, Onesearch, Dimensions, Nationally accredited SINTA 4), as well as Oetoesan Hindia: Telaah Pemikiran Kebangsaan (SINTA 6), Peneleh Research Institute encourages researchers to upgrade their research skills and publish their research.

Penerbit Peneleh is a member of IKAPI, Penerbit Peneleh has published books with the spirit of religiosity and nationalism.

We research, we publish, we make sure it is accessible!

Peneleh Research Institute provides online research method training materials that can be accessed anytime, anywhere.

We are Active!

Growing in numbers is important, but no more important than actions that touch lives and heart of others.

Research Activists


Methodology trainings


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Latest News

Aji Dedi Mulawarman Kembali Launching Buku

Dalam acara yang berlangsung meriah, Aji Dedi Mulawarman meluncurkan buku terbarunya yang berjudul “Tafsir Syirkah Jawa” di Studio Partai X. Acara ini dihadiri oleh berbagai kalangan akademisi, mahasiswa, dan para pecinta literasi, baik offline maupun online pada Rabu (10/7). Pada kesempatan ini, Ust. Jalal, seorang …


Peneleh Research Institute has a national and international activities