Welcome to Research for Zelfbestuur – Peneleh Research Institute

Welcome to Research for Zelfbestuur

Join us and be the change!

Peneleh Research Institute, under Yayasan Peneleh Jang Oetama, is an institution that strives to involve every stake holder in community/society zelfbestuur (empowerment). Researchers who have joined Peneleh Research Institute understand that it is their roles to induce spiritual-crotical consciousness and to facilitate change (hijrah) for a better civilization

Relawan Riset Peneleh (Peneleh Research Volunteers) are recruited in regular call for volunteers, and are skilled to blend into society.

Our members are those who have joined Peneleh Research Institute Volunteers Programs, ranging from Professors, Doctors, scholars, practitioners in various fields. Peneleh Research Institute provides regular and incidental trainings to cater various needs of research. There are over 30 institutions both national and international who have signed MoU and actualise the agreement in the form of research training with Peneleh Research Institute to enhance research skills.

Working side by side with Penerbit Peneleh, International Journal of Religious and Cultural Studies, as well as Research-Academy.org, Peneleh Research Institute encourages researchers to upgrade their research skills and publish their research.

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