Hosting International Conference in India – Peneleh Research Institute

Hosting International Conference in India

Watch the interview between SMS Varanasi India and Peneleh Research Institute Indonesia HERE. The conference was held in SMS Varanasi India 23-24 February 2019.

(Taken from

Inaugurating a Two day International Conference, 7th in a row, on “Spirituality Beyond Repertoire: A Leadership Key to Societal Happiness and Sustained Harmony” at the Khushipur campus of School of Management Sciences (SMS) on Saturday,

The Chief Guest Mahesh Bhatt (Noted Film Maker, Director and Producer) said that


those who dare to step out the streets of conformity have written the chapter of success of brilliance. You have to confront the darkness and then you will possibly arrive at threshold of Light, he added. He pointed out that Institutions polish pebbles and exclude diamonds. He made a sincere to educational institutions, nations, governments and parents to wake up and let children sing their songs.

In his presidential address, Hon’ble Justice Girdhar Malaviya (Chancellor-Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi) said that Spirituality is when we do things which are beneficial for the society. He said we can learn from our Religious Scriptures as Ramayana and Srimad Bhagwat Gita and should make an effort to follow what has been said there. According to him, spirituality is the only area where we can deny our self interest and do things that benefit the society as a whole


In his deliberation, Prof. Rajeshwar Acharya, (Noted Hindustani Classical Vocalist and Padamshri Awardee) as Guest of Honour, in his famous style quoted that “Kaisa ab yeh insan ho raha hai, ghar to milte nahi bus makan mil rahan hai”. He further stated that Wisdom starts when Conciousness stops. This is a spiritual bond which entwins and lead to ultimate reality. Emphasizing the importance of management he quoted that even Belief also needs self management.


Addressing as a Guest of Honour, Prof. B. P. Singh (Former Dean, Delhi School of Economics) said SMS has been A-Grade Institute way before NAAC. He emphasised on the conditions necessary for social harmony. He said that the power pollutes the society and he further added that anyone who is a repressor will never command love of followers.

Blessing the guest in seminar, Shri Shuddhanandaa Brahmchari (Founder-Loknath Divine Mission) said that as human beings we can learn from each cell of our body that how billions and trillions of these cells are in perfect symphony in this orchestra since we are born. A little alertness, awareness and mindfulness is what we need to bring into our life, he added. He said that this is not a conference but a holy confluence of thought leaders.

Earlier the Guests were welcomed by the Director Prof P.N. Jha who at the end of the inaugural ceremony honoured them with shawl and ICON mementos. The Conference theme was presented by Convener of the Programme, Dr. Pallavi Pathak while the Vote-of-Thanks was given by Prof. Sandeep Singh. On this occasion, ICON Souvenir, carrying 213 abstracts of research papers was released by the Guests in addition to the latest issue of Scopus Indexed Journal “Purushartha”.

The Inaugural session was anchored by Mrs. Veenita Singh. On the occasion, amongst other academic dignitaries, prominent presence included that of Shri Shuddhaanandaa Brahmchari (Founder – Loknath Devine Mission), Mrs. Sayukta Gulati (Metaphysical Consultant), Prof. Anjali Bhelande (RNR College, Mumbai), Swami Dr. Varishthananda Ji (Ramkrishna Mission), Prof. V. S. Somnath (Director – AIMS, Bangalore), Prof. A. K. Singh (Delhi University), Dr. Ari Kamayanti (Peneleh Reserarch Instt., Indonesia), participants from Denmark, USA and Indonesia along with dignitaries from BHU and other Universities across India.

On this occasion, Registrar, Shri Sanjay Gupta and Executive Secretary Dr. M. P. Singh along with other faculty members were also present.


On second day, there were two plenary sessions and four parallel technical sessions for research paper presentation purposes. Plenary session -II witnessed the deliberation of Mrs. Sanyukta Gulati, Meta Physics Consultation and Heal your life workshop leader, Prof. Anjali Bhelande, Ramnarain Ruia College, Mumbai and Swami Varishthananda Ramakrishna Mission. Speaking on topic ”You are your own creation”, Mrs Sanyukta Gulati elaborated upon the different states of mind, universal laws, the placebo effect and the Nocebo effect. She also shared an insightful video on the significance of receiving and disseminating positive frequency to create generative vibrations. Plenary session-III witnessed the deliberation of Prof. P. S. Tripathi, Dean and Head IM-BHU and Prof. Rajiv Prasad, Amrita School of Business Coimbatore. Prof. Tripathi spoke on topic “ Indian Spiritual Foundation for Modern Management. He said Spiritual values lead to harmony at workplace happiness, interconnectedness to others, empathy in decisions and eco-efficiency. He further added that education should be for a better life and not for job.


Technical session -V was chaired by Prof. V.S. Somnath, Director, AIMS Bangalore  and Professor Sandeep Singh, SMS Varanasi. Technical session-VI was chaired by Prof. Ajay Kumar Singh, Delhi University and Prof. R. K. Singh SMS Varanasi.  Technical session-VII was chaired by Dr. Ari Kamayanti, Peneleh Research Institute, Indonesia and Prof. A.K. Singh, SMS Varanasi. Technical session-VIII was chaired by Dr. Aji Mulawarman, Peneleh Research Institute, Indonesia and Dr. Sunil Kumari, Government College, Meham.

The two day lnternational Conference, 7th in a row, on “Spirituality Beyond Repertoire: A Leadership Key to Societal Happiness and Sustained Harmony” came to an end with valedictory session. Prof. S. N. Upadhyay (Noted Scientist and Former Director of IIT, BHU) was the Chief Guest in the Valedictory Session of the Conference. Addressing the conference, Prof. Upadhyay outlined various aspects of Spirituality. He described “Karma’ as Spirituality. He said that ancient city of Kashi is unique in spirituality where devotees with full respect and faith, have friendly behaviour with Gods & Goddess. Spirituality reflects here in practice. He also focussed on various aspects of successful management. Speaking as Special Guest in this function, Dr. Aiay Kumar Singh (Professor, Delhi University) focused on various aspects of management, its need and significance of spirituality in interest of society. Prof. P.N. Jha, Director, SMS, expressed his views on Spirituality and its importance and said that the “lndex of Happiness” is on decline due to scene of hatred, ego, self-interest and communalism in the society. Therefore, utmost spirituality is not reflected in the society. He said that it is a need of hour for people to follow path of full spirituality with a feeling of “Sarva Dharm Hitaya”. Earlier, Director Prof. P.N.Jha and Registrar Shri Sanjay Gupta felicitated the Chief Guest Prof. S. N. Upadhay alongwith Guest of Honor Dr. Alay Kumar Singh and Key- Note Speaker Prof. Rajiv Prasad and other guests with shawl and ICON mementos.

Around 283 Research Papers were recited by the scholars from various lnstitutes from lndia, USA, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal and Denmark. The function was conducted by Dr. Sofia Khan while Vote of Thanks was extended by Convenor of the Conference, Dr. Pallavi Pathak. On this occasion, Registrar, Shri Sanjay Gupta and Executive Secretary Dr. M. P. Singh alongwith other faculty members were also present.


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